Green Slime

​Green slime hates light and feeds on animal, vegetable, and metallic substances in dark caverns. Since it cannot move, this slime grows only when food comes to it. Sunlight dries it out and eventually kills it. Occasional huge slimes or colonies of dozens have been reported.​   ​Green slime is an infestation that all creatures avoid; it is burned out of caverns or mines if found. Once it has infected an area, it has a tendency to grow back, even after being frozen or burned away, because dormant spores can germinate years later.​   ​A hideous growth, green slime is bright green, sticky, and wet. It grows in dark subterranean places on walls, ceilings and floors.​   ​Corrosion: Green slime eats through one inch of wood in an hour, but can dissolve metal quickly, going through plate armor in three melee rounds.​   ​​This slime cannot attack but is sensitive to vibrations and often drops from the ceiling onto a passing victim. Green slime attaches itself to living flesh and in 1-4 melee rounds turns the creature into green slime (no resurrection possible).   ​The horrid growth can be scraped off quickly, cut away, frozen, or burned. A cure disease spell kills green slime, but other attacks, including weapons and spells, have no effect.​​
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages
  Huge Green Slime: AC 9; MV 0; HD 6; hp 40; THACO 15; #AT each PC once per round; Omg spect.ll (dripping slime SA dissolves metal, victims tum tosJime in Jd4 rounds; SW Olrl' disetIse kills a 5' patch of the slime; SZ H (120' x 240' MLrearJess (20 In! non (0 AL N; XP3,0CX1.
Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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