
Groznyj, 7lh~level Fighter: AC -2 (plate lIIail +1, shield + 1, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 56; THACO 13 (10 with 10llg sword +2 and Strength bonus #AT 3/2 or 2; Omg Id8+3 (lang sword +2, Strength bonus) or 1d6+1 (longbow, Strength bonus ALNE; XP 1,ยท100. Str 17, Dex 16, Can 16, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 7. Groznyj, a blackhaired brute of 6' 4", has a rirlg alfmc action (confcr~ ring immunity to web, slow, and Ilold spells) and a potiml of extra-healillg. He has 500 gp, 200 pp, and two pearls each worU, 1,000 gp in a be1t~pollch.


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