Halfcut Hills

The local legend of thesE' hills is that they were created by a Power (C1angeddin on Toril or Oerth, Kaygar on Mystara) cleaving the original rock mass in two with a huge axe (or hammer), leaving half behind and taking half 10 make his own castle home on his own plane. The hills have very sheer sides rismg 200 to 350 fect, and the surfaces are covered with fossil remains, mostly of ~imple shellfish and ammonites. The appearance makes them look. indeed, as if they werc cui open to reveallhe fossils within. The hills are barren and lifeless. U,ough some eagles nest atop the central rock massif and sometimes carry off lambs. Nestling into the hills is Parlfray's Keep. n solid four-square structu.re which has been home to the ParUray family ever since the abandonment of Broken Spire Keep over a century ago. Currently, the scion of the family is Count Sandior Parlfray, a ,'ague, pleasant, 5tubborn, wooly·headed squire of 71. His sole heir. Lyntem. is but 18 years of age. Lynlern's mother, Sandior's fifth attempt to sire a son ilnd the first to surprise her husband with suc· cess at the task, died in childbirth, and the boy is lonely and miserable with his distant father. Lyn· tern is il lst-Ievel fighter with Str 17 and Con 17, and he may weU try 10 tag along with the PCS given even a ghost of a chance. This wiU get the PCs into Sandior's bad books, of course, even if they are blameless; the last thing he wants is for his son to be exposed to the dangers of madcap gallivanting (his usual term for adventuring) when he wants him to inherit the family home and 1..1nds. Encounters The chapter "Lured Into Darkn{'"55" includes it short encounter on Howler's Moor. Once the res ha\'e made a name for themsel\'es and are gaining the odd experience level. the Count may hire them for various errands and acth·ities. Dealing ..... ith the fomorian giants of the Shricken Mire would be an obvious pos· sibility-he would offer the Pes a considerable sum to be rid of them. Other possibilities for Parlfray's employment could Include + Uncovered Crypt. Parlfray's men stumble on old burial chambers deep in the Halfcul Hills. The Count fears that some old curse, or undead, infests the place and wants the res to check it out. + Giant Steps. Parliray wants to extend his keep. He has learned that there are stone gianb to the east, higher up in the Ha..\fcul Hills, and would like to recruit them to help with construction. A charismatic PC is sent to open discussions. The giants agree, but they want the Pes to perform some set· vice for them first .. + Rabid wild dogs are sighted in the Redwood. The Count wants the Pes to extenninate them. ere the summer berry harvest is lost. Parlfray makes an excellent general patron NPC. given his importance in the area. The OM should use him as needed to introduce the PCs to side-adventures for experience and to retain campaign balance.


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