
This science allows the psionicist to project visions or images into the victim’s mind. In effect, it is like a psionic Phantasmal Force. The psionicist can make his victim believe he is seeing, hearing, or feeling almost anything. The psionicist can attack the victim with hallucinatory monsters or spells, deceive the victim by making a company of soldiers resemble a grove of palms, or even make him think that a flagon full of sand actually contains cool, refreshing water.

In general, the rules for adjudicating illusions on pages 84 and 130 of the Player’s Handbook are appropriate for determining the effects of any hallucinatory effects. If the psionicist carefully constructs the hallucination and provides the victim with what he expects to see, the victim may not even receive a saving throw. The physical effects of hallucinations are psychosomatic; the victim may believe he is being mauled by a tembo, but he is not really being harmed physically.

Maintaining a hallucination requires full concentration on the part of the psionicist. If he makes a physical attack or initiates another psionic power while maintaining this power, the victim instantly receives a saving throw versus spells with a +4 bonus to break free of the hallucination.

PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
300 ft.​
Area of Effect
Individual ​
Mindlink, invisibility ​
Power Score
The victim loses all sensory information for as long as the psionicist maintains the power. ​
Critical (20)
The psionicist blinds himself for 2d8 rounds.


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