
Haragswald, 7th-le,'el Priest: AC 4 or 1 (dla;" m(lil +1, silidd +1 only used after spell-casting MV 12; hp 48; THACO 16 (14 withfootllum'sjlail +2 !fAT 1; Omg ld6+ 3 (footIfIOII'5j1ail +2 SO +3 saving throw bonus vs. mind-controlJing speUs (due to Wisdom AL NE; XP 1AOO.Str 16. [)ex 10, Con 16, In19, WlS 17, Cha 13. Spells: commaJld, Cllrse, dilrkll{"l.S {x2),fear; aid (x2), challt, 1!OId person. Si/£'I1Ci' 15' radius; c.oll/illll(li darkness (xl), prayer; I'mtectioll from good 10' mdills. HaragswaJd is an ugly. hunchbacked, saturnine. verminous little rat of a man. He has a gold medallion in the form of a skull with bloodstone eyes and real (dwarf) leeth (value 1.500 gp) and also fi"e pearls (each worth 1,000 gp) hidden in the lining of his black robe. Haragswald is a priest 01 the same evil cult the PCs encountered on the surface (Myrkul-Cyric/Nc-rull/Thanatos), and the DM may revise his spell list 10 confonn to sphere limitiltions for particular religioU5 adherence. L .. IStly, he has 11 pouch with thTe(' pinches of dust of appeamllce.


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