
​Night Below​ ​Scrawny kid we found at the keep in Thornwood forest being mind controlled some how A boy of about fourteen who surrendered to the party in the fight in the Thornwood Keep. Heydrus is tall and very very thin, with a pimply face and greasy light brown hair. ​   HeydntS, lnd·level Thief: AC 5 (lea ther armor, shield, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 9; THACO 19 (18 with bow and Dexterity bonus fiAT 1 or 2; Dmg ld8 (long sword) or ld6 (short bow SA +-:l on attack rolls, double damage on backstab; SD Hide in Shadows (25%), Move Silently (30"/,, ML unreliable (3 AL CN; XP 120. lnt 16, Dex 16.   16 years old. Heydrus is spectacularly nerd-like in appearance. He is 5' 11 " and painfully thin, with scrofulous skin and light brown hair that looks as if someone has been mopping up greasy floors with it for several weeks. However, he's the one thief here only too willing to surrender and bargain for his freedom.


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