
Ilsenzenden, iIlithid Priest (11th-level): AC 3 (rillg of !"o/eetion +1 MV 12; HD 8+4; hp 49; THACO 11; #AT 4; Omg 2 hp + special (tentacles SA milld blast stuns all in aroa ('If effect (i"I cone 60' long and 5 to 20' wide) for 3d4 rounds (saving throw "s. rod/wand/staff to resist), tentacles extract brain in 1 d4 rounds (struggling target) or a single round (charmed or incapacitated victim), spell-like powers; SO spell-like powers; MR 900/0; SZ M (6W tall MLchampion (16 Int genius (18 AL LE; XP 12,000. Spells: command, curse, darklless, protectIon from good, sallelliary; ellthrall, !Iold per5(m (xl), 1II0men"'; ~tow CUr<it, COllt/lll1al darhu~ss (x2), emotioll cOlltrol·; babbll!. c/(Il1k offi'f1r, melltal dominatioll ·;j1ame strike, trill! set'mg; age crt'ohm··. Spell-like powers: astral projection, c/larm monster, cllarm persall, ESP, In'ilatt', plaut' S!lijt, and suggestloll. llsenzenden wears a dominator symbol and a fine Drow pendant, a trophy of war, about his neck. This is crafted of gold and silver and bears five fine deep blue spinels (value 3,000 gp).


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