
Ipshizeen, illithid Priest (nth level): AC 5; MV 12; HD 8+12 hp; hp 62; THACO 11; HAT 4; Omg 2 hp + special (tcnl.ldl"!S SA spells, spell-like powers, mi"d bll~1 stuns aJl within area of effect (a cone 60' long and 5 to 20' wide) for 3d4 munds except on a su(t'CSSfuJ saving throw \'s. rod/wand/staff, tentacles extract brain in Id-1 munds (struggling target) or a single round (charmed or incapacitated target 5D spells, spell-like powers, +4 bonus to saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells (dmnn, Imr, illusions, etc) due to high WIsdom; MR 90"10; SZ M (7' tall MLchampion (15 Int supra-genius (19 AL LE; XP 12,(XXl. Was 18. Spells: command (xl), cause /l!ar, dark- 1lt"'t.'i (xl), sanduDry (xl l'IItllrall, llOld person (xl), knmL' a/iKtlIwmt, silence 15' radius (xl colllillual dnrlmLSS, dispel /lmgic (xl), emotiOIl COlltro!ยท (xl c1Ol1k of frar, detert lit', d~ illatioll, modify "'1'",0')(; mindsbattrr", lime pool; word of mall. Speci.ll nbilities: astral proJectiOIl, dumll mOl/stn, c1mml persoll, ESP, It'I.jtate, plal/I' Sllift, and suggestioll. Ipshize.en has a magnificent set of omalt~ velvet and silk robes with mnny moonstones and bloodstones set into them (\"alue 6,500 gp), and he wears matching silver bracelets sct with a sapphire in each (value 4,000 gp the pair). He also has silver keys which open the treasure chests here. Ipshizeen has Cha 18 with respect to other ilIithids, and also with rcspcclto his charmees.


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