
JabuJanth, half-elven FighterfTh id (10th!13Ih level): AC 0 (bracers ofdefrll.st' AC 4, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 63; THACO 11 (8 .... 'ith 10llg sUJord +3, 6 with long bow +1, arrows +1, and Dexterity bonus #AT 3/2 (sword) or 2 (bow Omg Id8+3 (lollg sword +3) or Jd8+2 (/ollg w.v +J, quiver of 20 s/leaf llTTlJUlS + 1 SA thief skills (+4 to attack rolls and quintuple damage on backstab SO thief skills (sec below SZ M (5'6" ML champion (16 AL !'JE; XP 8,000. SIT IS, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 17, Wts 10, Cha 13. Thief skills: Pick Pockets SOOt;., Opt'll Locks 9Q'I/o, Fmd & Remove Tra~ 90':", Mo .... e Silently 90'0/0, Hide in Shadows 90"10, Hear Noise 95%, Climb Walls 95%, Read Languages 15%. Of medium height and build, but with broad shouJders, the naxen·haired half-elf is, quite simply, a homicidal lunatic. He has green eyes, tattooed serpents on his forearms and forehead, and only half a right ear. He wears rings of inVisibility and fire resislllllU, slippm; af spider climbillg on his feet, and has a scroll of the spells fll" i"visibility 10' radius, mirror image, poly. mtl'1,11 -,;elf. and stolle;kill (scribed at 12th level). His baku·hide cloak is worth 1,500 gp, and the six sapphire rings which adom his fingers are worth 1.,200 gp each.


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