
Alu-fiend   Janelle, alu-fiend: AC 2 (bracers of deft'lI:;': AC 2 MY 12, n)' 15 (D H05; hp 32; THACO 15 (13 with lmlg haw +1 and ,Jtt'(l.famJU· +1, 12 with long sword +3,jrostbnmd #AT 1 or 2; Omg Id8+3 (long :.-word +3, frostlmllld) or Id8 .. I (long bttw +1 wilh 12 $JlD1/arrou"S +J SA spclls, regains lost hit points by wounding opponents in melee (gains 1 point for each 2 points of damage so inflicted SO danger~ nsc (75" ..,), immune to nonmagical weapons, electricity, nonmagkal fire, and poison, haJl-damagc from cold, magical fire, and gas; SW full damage from acid, /IIagic mi$i/~, and weapons made of silver or cold iron; MR 30%; SZ M (57" ML e.lite (14ALCN; XP6,QOO. Chr 18. Janelle is a genius (lntelligence 18) with the spell powers of a 10th-level wi7..ard; she knows the spells color sprtz.l/, dried mJJgic, milgic missih. tallnl; bli"d1lf.'Ss, runtinual fight , Im·i:;.,bility, mirror imJl~; dispel "UI~ic, ligMmng bolt, $ptrlnd forrt; confusion, mmor globe (if illvulm.'rtlbIWy; cone of rold, and froid nlllnst~ (all inscribed in hcr traveling .:;pellbook). Special abilities (usable at will, unless otherwise noted): dwrm person, darlale:;s 15' mdlll!'>, dinutnsion door (once per day), ESP, illfrovisioll (240' range), shap«lumgl" (to humanoid shape of same size and weight), SII:'(Ststion, and teleport wit/rout t'mJr. She looks e\'ery much like a ranger with her bow and long sword. In both human and her natural winged guise she is a feisty redhead, extremely comely (Charisma 18), about 25 year.. old in appearance, with a black sense of humor. Janelle is the only member of the tanar' ri party who is not evil and who may form a lasting alliance with the player characters if treated well. Her hands are festooned with gold and silver rings sct with (mostly) low-,·alue gems; total value 2,500 gpo


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