
wastrilith tanar'ri Tanar'ri (Demon)   Jaz.iritheil, wastrilith tanar'ri: AC -}; MV 9. swim 15; HD 15; hp 89; THACO 5; NAT 3; Omg IdS/ldSl1d12 (claw /daw /bite SA breath weapon (O: blast o( boiling water in a cone 30' long with a 10' base for Jd10 points of damage SO immune to cold-based and Elemental Water spells, electricity docs full damage if it hits but is reflected back on the caster instead .5O'}"o of the time, water elementals will not attack a wastriUth (50"10 chance of wresting control of any water elemental within 100'), minions (see above), immune to nonmagical weapons, hillf-damage from silver weapons, immune to poison; SW fin! does double damage to the wasmUth if it is caught out of the water (does none at all if immersed MR 25%; SZ L (10' tall but \'cry thin MLfanatic (17 tnt high (14 AL CE; XI' 19.000. Special ,lbilitirs: darimess 15' radiU$, illfrm.'isioIJ,Il'iepaffly (can communicate with any intelligent creature), ll'leport withollt l'TrOr.


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