
The kampfult has a ropelike body with a central core that resembles the decayed stump of a cut-down tree. A kampfult has six attack appendages, each about 6 feet long, and six movement appendages each 1 foot long. These are spaced along the 4'-long, stumplike body. Several creatures can be attacked at the same time. Once hit by an appendage, a victim is wrapped up until either the kampfult is slain or the victim frees himself. (Those with a Strength of 16 or greater can free themselves automatically in 1 round; others must roll a successful Strength check.) Only the central section of the creature needs to be attacked to kill it, but severing its tentacles can succeed in rendering a kampfult harmless. Each tentacle requires 2 points of cutting damage to sever and causes 1 point of constriction damage per round. All portions of a kampfult are considered AC 4.   Kampfult: AC 4; MV 3; HD 2; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 6; Dmg l; SA -3 penalty to opponents' surprise rolls, constriction; SZ S; ML 12; Int low (5 AL NE; XP 175; MC5.


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