
Kranin, nth-level human WIZard: AC 6 (rillg of proteclioll +3, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 35; THACO 17; HAT 1; Dmg Id6+3 (quartersl1lff +3 SA spells, channed servitors; SO spells, charmed servitors; SZ M (5'4" ML unsteady (5 AL NE; XP7,CXX) (if slain) or 3..soo (if he surrenders). Str 9, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 18, WIS 15, Cha 8. Spells: 4/4/4/4/4/1. Currently memorized: detect Itlilgic. magic missill'; irlllisibility; protcelio'l from good 10' radius, sug.<:t'StiOIl; confusion, polymorpll otller; slmdow door, wall afforu. The wizard wears crystdllenses (eyes of infruvisio,,) over his eyes. Kranin also has a unique regenerating scroll which bears the spells fireball, invisible stalker, and mo,,;:ler ~umltlonillg IV. When a spell is cast from this scroll, there is a 90"10 chance that the s pell will reappear on the scroU after 1d4+4 days. Currently, the fireball spell is expended. The 90% chance is decreased by 5% for each le\'el the wizard is below that needed to cast a sixth-level spell (thus, a 7th-l{'vcl wizard using this SCI1)U would ha,·e a 35% chance of finding that a spell cast from it would be gone forever). He also has a bag oI"oldillg which is detailed below.


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