Leadership PRIEST

This spell can be cast in one of two variations.

The first, appropriate for battlefield use, has a range of 720 ft., duration of d4+6 turns, and a casting time of 1 turn. The priest can cast the spell on any single individual (a commander or hero) within his line of sight. While under the influence of this spell, the subject's command radius is increased by 50% (round fractions up).

The reverse of this variation, doubt, requires the target to make a saving throw vs. spell. If failed,doubt halves the command radius (round fractions down) of the targeted individual for d3+4 turns.

The material component for this variation is a pinch of steel dust.

The second variation must take place in or within 100' of a place of worship officially dedicated to the casting priest's deity. Both the priest and the individual to be affected must be present. The casting time is 5 turns and involves an intricate ritual and many prayers. At the conclusion of the spell, the subject's command radius is doubled. This effect lasts 2d12 hours. The priest can cast either aspect (but not both at once) on himself. No individual can be the subject of more than one casting of this spell at one time, whether different aspects or cast by different priests. If more than one spell is attempted on the individual, only the most recent casting takes effect.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Alteration, Enchantment
Special ​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component for the second variation is the priest's holy symbol.

Special ​
Casting Time
Special ​
Area of Effect
1 creature ​
Saving Throw


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