
Some passage areas are little more than narrow strips of rock with crevasses or precipitous drops on either side. Movement rate is normal in such areas, but running forces a PC to make a Dexterity check. Failure means a fall over the edge of the ledge, spelling certain death or 10d10 points of damage (DM choice). If PCs are roped together, then a PC who slips may be drawn back to safety by his or her companions, provided that the characters on either side of the one who fell make successful Strength checks to avoid being pulled over the edge themselves. It takes a full round to draw a fallen PC back up out of the yawning abyss below, during which time all those involved in retrieving the endangered character may not attack or defend themselves in combat.

When combats occur in such areas, any hit which inflicts more than a third of a creature's hit points in damage means that creature must make a Constitution check or crumple and stagger slightly. If the stricken creature or character then fails a Dexterity check, he, she, or it trips over the edge of the ledge and falls.


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