
Marilith   Lillian th, marilith: AC -9; MV 15; HD 12; hp 70; THACO 9 (8 with two-handed sword of 1 or dagg~ of venom, 7 with long swords +2 #fAT 4 (human form) or 6 (marilith form Omg ld8+2 xl (101lg sword +2)/ld8+2 xl (loliK sword +2) or IdlO+ 1/ld8+2Ild8+2/1d8+2/ Id4+ 1 + special/4d6 (ftoo-Iumded sword +1 jfnmetollgue / long sword +2Ilollg sword +2/lollg su.'Ord +2/dagger of venom +l/tail SA attacks in human form as ambidextrous specialist (sword in each hand.. attacks twice with each in each round), constriction attack in marilith form (automatic 4d6 points of damage per round on subsequent rounds, victim must make Constitution check each round to remain conscious, victim cannot break free unless has Str 15+, Str 15 0= 10% chance, 160= 20% chance, etc. SO immune to weaponS of less than +2 bonus, never surprised, immune to illusions and mindaHecting spells, immune to electricity, normal fire, and poison, half-damage from cold, magical fire, and gas; SW weapons made of cold iron or silver inflict full damage, as do acid and magic missiles; MR 70%; SZ M (6' tall) as human or L (7' tall) as marilith; ML fanatic (17 lot genius (18 ALeE; XP 23,000. Chr 17. Special abilities (usable al will urness otherwise indicated): IIl1imate dead, calise serious wounds, cloudkill, comprehend languages, Cllrse, dllrkness 15' radil/5, deject eni!, detect magic, detect invisibility, gllti.' (will not use), ;"jravision, polymorpll self (7 times per day), project image, pyrotechnics, telekinesis, telepathy (can communicate with any intelliĀ· gent creature), and teleport without error. In human form, Ullianth appears .15 an incredibly fit, competent fighter in dose-fitting chain mail wielding a long ,;word in e.lch hand; she appears to be about 30 years old, with shoulder-length brown hair. She wears an exquisite diamond- and pearl-st.'1 platinum neck choker with pendants (value 16,000 gp) and matching platinum bracelets each set with a pearl (value 12,900 gp for the six). lillianth i .. extremely confident in her considerable abilities, alm05t to the point of arrogance, and remembers grudges and slights forever. She is, however, also intensely pragmatic and wholly unscrupulous. She will ally with anyone for any purpose if it serves her ends. She has no compunctions concerning allying with creatures of opposed alignments if this advances her interests.


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