


Climate/Terrain: Tropical, subtropical and temperate swamp
Alignment: TN
Organization: Tribe
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Low (5-7)
Treasure: D
Diet: Special
# Appearing: d8+7
XP Value: 65, Patrol Leader (65), Subleader (120), War Leader (270), Shaman 3rd (175), Shaman 5th (650), Shaman 7th (975)
Mvmt: 6, Sw 12
Size: M (7' tall)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Lizard men speak their own language.

Hit Dice

Common 2+1, Blackscale 6+

Base THAC0:

Common 19, Blackscale 14


Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks


Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):
Claw (x2)Per Typed2+3, Blackscale +62None
BitePer Typed6+3, Blackscale +62cannot attack rear or flank
Blowgun (x2)Per Typed35Target poisoned (d6 dmg/rd. and slowed. Save ends)
ClubPer Typed64None
Tail SlapPer Typed8+68Dex. check or knocked prone, attacks rear or flank only
Great Club (Blackscale)Per Typed10+64target pushed 1 square
Swamp's Grasp (Shaman)19-210 ft. cube, range 100 ft., target makes Dex. check -(lvl of shaman) or is immobilized for d6 rounds
Bog Cloud (Shaman)192d8+4210 ft. cube, range 100 ft., target makes Con. check -(lvl of shaman) or is dazed while in cloud. 2d8+4 dmg.

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.


Lizard men are savage, semi-aquatic, reptilian humanoids that live through scavenging, raiding, and, in less hostile areas, by fishing and gathering.

Adult lizard men stand 6 to 7 feet tall, weighing 200 to 250 pounds. Skin tones range from dark green to gray to brown, and their scales give them a flecked appearance. Their tails average 3 to 4 feet long and are not prehensile. Males are nearly impossible to distinguish from females without close inspection.

Lizard man garb is limited to strings of bones and other barbaric ornament. Lizard men speak their own language.



In combat, lizard men fight as unorganized individuals. If they have equality or an advantage over their opponents, they tend toward frontal assaults and massed rushes. When outnumbered, overmatched, or on their home ground, however, they become wily and ferocious opponents. Snares, sudden ambushes, and spoiling raids are favored tactics in these situations. While individually savage in melee, lizard men tend to be distracted by food (such as slain opponents) and by simple treasures, which may allow some of their quarry to escape. They occasionally take prisoners as slaves, for food, or to sacrifice in obscure tribal rites.

For every 10 lizard men encountered, there will be one patrol leader with maximum hit points (17 hp) and a 50% chance for a shaman with 3 Hit Dice and the abilities of a 3rd-level priest. If one or more tribes are encountered, each tribe will also have a war leader of 6 Hit Dice, two subleaders with 4 Hit Dice, and a shaman of either 4 or 5 Hit Dice (50% chance of each). Any group of two or more tribes has a 50% chance for an additional shaman of 7 Hit Dice. Furthermore, each such group has a cumulative 10% chance per tribe to be led by a lizard king. If a lizard king is present, a shaman of 7 Hit Dice will always be present, and all patrol leaders from each tribe (i.e., 10% of the male warriors) will be combined into a single fanatical bodyguard for the lizard king.



Lizard men are typically found in swamps, marshes, and similar places, often (35%) dwelling totally underwater in air-filled caves. A tribe rarely numbers more than 150 individuals, including females and hatchlings. It is not uncommon for several tribes in an area to forge an informal alliance against outsiders, including other lizard man tribes.

Lizard men are omnivorous, but are likely to prefer human flesh to other foods. In this regard they have been known to ambush humans, gather up the corpses and capture the survivors, and take the lot back to their lair for a rude and horrid feast.



Lizard men have few natural enemies. They prey on human, demihuman, or humanoid settlements if these are nearby. Lizard man eggs are bitter and inedible, as is their flesh, but their skin is sometimes worked as scale armor (Armor Class 6). Lizard men produce no art, artifacts, or trade goods.


Advanced Lizard Men

About 1 tribe in 10 has evolved to a higher state. These lizard men dwell in crude huts, use shields (thus Armor Class 4) and hurl barbed darts (30 yard range, 1-4 points damage) or javelins (1-6 points damage) before closing with the enemy. These lizard men use clubs (treat as morning stars, 2-8 points damage), and the leaders may use captured swords or other weaponry. The chance of these advanced lizard men having a lizard king is doubled, i.e., 20% cumulative chance per tribe.

Basic Information


Adult lizardfolk stand 6 to 7 feet tall, weighing 200 to 250 pounds. Skin tones range from dark green to gray to brown, and their scales give them a flecked appearance. Their tails average 3 to 4 feet long and are not prehensile. Males are nearly impossible to distinguish from females without close inspection.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk hatch from eggs and grow quickly to adulthood; by 2 years of age, they are fully grown. A tribe maintains a communal incubator in which all the tribe’s eggs are sealed together. Young lizardfolk are raised together by the whole tribe. Parental relationships do not exist among lizardfolk.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk inhabit swamps and marshes (often (35%) dwelling totally underwater in air-filled caves), feeding on local wildlife and driving off or killing trespassers entering their territory. Some especially cruel and savage lizardfolk capture and eat other humanoid creatures, boldly launching raids against the lands of nearby humanoids to capture victims for their feasts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are omnivorous, but are likely to prefer human flesh to other foods. In this regard they have been known to ambush humans, gather up the corpses and capture the survivors, and take the lot back to their lair for a rude and horrid feast.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A tribe rarely numbers more than 150 individuals, including females and hatchlings. It is not uncommon for several tribes in an area to forge an informal alliance against outsiders, including other lizard man tribes.

Lizardfolk have a patriarchal society in which the most powerful member rules the others as chieftain. Shamans and mystics commonly advise the chieftain.

Lizardfolk come in many varieties, including greenscale lizardfolk (the most common breed) and blackscales. Blackscales are dumb, hulking brutes that often inhabit the same swamps and marshes as their smaller kin. A blackscale tribe might be an enemy to a lizardfolk tribe, but more often the two work together or even intermingle in the same village. Blackscales rarely become leaders of mixed tribes since they are simply too dull-witted for the job, but they frequently accompany raiding parties or serve as bodyguards to the tribal chieftain or marsh mystic.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lizardfolk eggs are bitter and inedible, as is their flesh, but their skin is sometimes worked as scale armor (Armor Class 6).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lizardfolk favor humid climates. They dwell in warm or temperate marshes, swamps, and jungles, or more rarely in flooded cavern systems.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

​Lizardfolk speak their own language.​

Common Dress Code

Lizardfolk garb is limited to strings of bones and other barbaric ornament.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Lizardfolk do not worship gods, but large tribes often elevate one of their own to the status of a living deity. This figure becomes the tribe’s lizard king. A lizard king usually possesses unusual strength, ferocity, and cleverness and might be tainted by primordial or demonic influences. Powerful reptilian creatures such as dragons sometimes usurp this role and command a tribe’s loyalty.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

​Lizardfolk have few natural enemies. They prey on human, demihuman, or humanoid settlements if these are nearby. Lizard men produce no art, artifacts, or trade goods.​

Lizardfolk are savage, semi-aquatic, reptilian humanoids that live through scavenging, raiding, and, in less hostile areas, by fishing and gathering. ​

Insular and fierce, lizardfolk rarely combine forces with other humanoids. However, they frequently tame reptilian creatures such as behemoths, crocodiles, or drakes, or serve more powerful monsters such as dragons.

Advanced Lizardfolk
About 1 tribe in 10 has evolved to a higher state. These lizardfolk dwell in crude huts, use shields (thus Armor Class 4) and hurl barbed darts (150 ft. range, d4 points damage) or javelins (d6 points damage) before closing with the enemy. These lizardfolk may use captured swords or other weaponry. The chance of these advanced lizardfolk having a lizard king is doubled, i.e., 20% cumulative chance per tribe.​  
Lizard King
A lizard king is a lizard man of above average height and intelligence, leading one or more loosely organized tribes of lizard men. The lizard king is most often armed with a great trident, which it wields with great skill and ferocity. A lizard king usually demands two humans each week. If no humans are available, demihumans and other humanoids will be sought. If none are available, two of the lizard king’s bodyguards will be killed and eaten instead.​  

Lizard King

Alignment: CE
Organization: Tribe
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Ave./Human (8-10)
Treasure: E
Diet: Special
# Appearing:
XP Value: 975
Mvmt: 9, Sw 15
Size: M (7 ft tall)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):
Great Trident133d6+27If beats AC by 5, double dmg. (min. 15)

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.

Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Epirk Tribe
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
60-80 yrs.
Average Height
Adult lizardfolk stand 6 to 7 feet tall
Average Weight
Adult lizardfolk weigh 200 to 250 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones range from dark green to gray to brown, and their scales give them a flecked appearance. Their tails average 3 to 4 feet long and are not prehensile. Males are nearly impossible to distinguish from females without close inspection.



Climate/Terrain: Tropical, subtropical and temperate swamp
Alignment: TN
Organization: Tribe
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Low (5-7)
Treasure: D
Diet: Special
# Appearing: d8+7
XP Value: 65, Patrol Leader (65), Subleader (120), War Leader (270), Shaman 3rd (175), Shaman 5th (650), Shaman 7th (975)
Mvmt: 6, Sw 12
Size: M (7' tall)
Morale: Elite (13-14)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Lizard men speak their own language.

Hit Dice

Common 2+1, Blackscale 6+

Base THAC0:

Common 19, Blackscale 14


Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks


Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):
Claw (x2)Per Typed2+3, Blackscale +62None
BitePer Typed6+3, Blackscale +62cannot attack rear or flank
Blowgun (x2)Per Typed35Target poisoned (d6 dmg/rd. and slowed. Save ends)
ClubPer Typed64None
Tail SlapPer Typed8+68Dex. check or knocked prone, attacks rear or flank only
Great Club (Blackscale)Per Typed10+64target pushed 1 square
Swamp's Grasp (Shaman)19-210 ft. cube, range 100 ft., target makes Dex. check -(lvl of shaman) or is immobilized for d6 rounds
Bog Cloud (Shaman)192d8+4210 ft. cube, range 100 ft., target makes Con. check -(lvl of shaman) or is dazed while in cloud. 2d8+4 dmg.

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.



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