
Succubus   Lynnara, succubus; AC 0; MV 12, fly 18 (C HD 6; hp 33; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg Id3/1d1 (fists, kicks, bite, etc. SA kiss drains one level (recipient only notices on a successful Wisdom check, made at a +4 penalty SO never surprised, immune to fil't' (magical or normal), poison, electricity, and weapons of less than -+2 bonus, half-damage from cold and gas; MR 30"10; S2 M (5' ML average (10 tnt exceptional (16 ALeE; XP 11,000. Chr 19. Special abilities (usable at wiU): b«oml" etllereal, dwnu person, clairQudit1lCl", d4rbrrs .. 15' radius, ESP, gate (will not usc), irifrauisioll, plilut r.lli.f1, polymorph self (into a comely form of any human or demihuman race), sllllllt'clmllge (to humanoid form of same si7..e and weight), suggestion, te.lepntlry, and /tleporlll!itllollt error. Lynnara has disguised herself as a stunningly beautiful enchantress of about 22. She has long, curly blond tresses which reach almosllo the base of her spine. She wears a silk cloak and flimsy dress of midnight blue edged with silver and black (\·alue 2,800 gp) and sports a matching set of neck choker and earrings of platinum set with black opals and pcridots (value 5,400 gp for the set). She pretends to be under a vow of silence and merely smiles mysteriously at characters if addressed. Lynnara is staggeringly vain (ill though with good reason) and expects a steady stream of complements. So long as these are forthcoming, all will be well; if they arc withheld for any reason, she will begin flirting with, and tempting, player Characters until they respond with suitable attentions.


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