
3rd-level thief with a pair of war dogs. She has the keys to the cells (area 16a-d)   Although quite mad in a too-calm, quiet way, she is highly dangerous and uses her Hide in Shadows ability to await an opportune moment to ambush intruders with her garrote. Marly, 3rdĀ·level Thief: AC 6 (Dexterity bonus, no armor MV 12; hp 7; THACO 19; #liAT I; Omg 1d3 + special (garrote) or 1d4 (dagger SA -t4 to attack rolls and double damage on backstabs; SO Hide in Shadows (SO), Move Silently (60 SW insane; AL LE; XP 120. {)ex 18. If Marly succeeds in her initial attack from hiding, she slips her garrote around her target's neck and locks it into place; thereafter the victim must make a saving throw vs, death every round at a cumulative -2 penalty or faU unconscious; the victim also suffers a cumuJative -2 penalty to aU attack rolls and a similar-1 penalty to damage rolls as his or her vision blurs and strength fails. An unconscious character can survive 1 round for every 5 points of Constitution before perislting from suffocation and cardiovascuĀ· tar collapse; unhooking the " .. ire garrote (an InteUigence check at -4 penalty enables a would-be rescuer to figure out the mechanism in time) prevents this dire fate.


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