Type of Special Move | Frequency | Speed Factor | Damage | # Attacks | Prereq. | Declared? | Melee/Ranged | Attack/Defense | Special |
Body - Auto. Flip/Throw | 1/rd. | N/A | d4 | 0 | Basic Hold | N | Melee | Defense | As Flip/Throw. -2 to success. Throw distance is 5 ft. |
Body - Block/Tackle | Unlim. | N/A | d4 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Acts as a Charge. Once damage is resolved, the attacker and victim make a Dexterity check (-2 for victim) or become prone. |
Body - Flip/Throw | Unlim. | N/A | d4 | 2 | Basic Hold or Grab Attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Opposed Strength check. Victim thrown 5-10 ft., prone. |
Body - Press | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Strength check. The victim, once a successful Grappling Attack has occured, is lifted above the head of the attacker. The next special move adds 1d6 damage and 10 ft. distance, if applicable. Holds or locks are released. |
Body - Slam | |
Body - Takedown | 1/rd. | 1 | 0 | 1 | None | N | Melee | Attack | Attacker makes and opposed Strength check. If successful, target is prone. |
Auto. Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 0 | Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact | N | Melee | Defense | As per Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact but with a -2 to success. |
Backward Turn | 1/rd. | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee & Ranged | Defense | As Parry. If successful, may move up to 15 ft. defensively. |
Body Carry | 1/rd. | 1 | 0 | 1+move | None | N | Melee | Attack | The attacker makes an opposed Strength roll. If successful, the victim is lifted up and carried for the attacker's full movement rate (as adjusted by encumberence). |
Breakfall | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 0 | None | N | Melee | Defense | Dexterity check. if successful, removes d6 points (you may not gain any hit points) of falling/throwing damage. |
Chum | 1/Encounter | N/A | 0 | 0 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Opposing Dexterity checks. If successful, victim loses 1 attack. A chum is a specific dance, ritual, series of movements that a fighter will use to prepare for combat and to set his opponent off balance. |
Critical | Unlim. | 3 | Real | 0 | Any attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Strength check, add 3 to speed factor of move. If successful, damage is real. |
Crush/Squeeze | Unlim. | 0 | d4+1 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | A grappling attack must have been successful (they can be in a Hold or Lock as well). For each attack the character forfiets per round, they may add +d4 damage any other grappling damage given that round. |
Death Blow | 1/rd. | N/A | all | all | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Opponent is killed on a natural 20. Must be specialized to different creature groups. Bonuses applied to this skill reduce the needed roll. |
Double Gore | 1/rd. | N/A | 2d4 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Damage added if using a Demon Suit (2d6+2), Constitution check for second strike (-5) |
Fake Attack | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Charisma check. If successful, it looks like full damage is being done to opponent. |
Feint | 1/rd. | N/A | 0 | 1 | any attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Opposed Intelligence (target) and Charisma (attacker). If successful, attacker adds 3 to initiative of any attack that round. |
Gore (Head Butt) | 1/rd. | N/A | d4 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Damage added if using a Demon Suit (1d6+2) |
Great Throw | 1/rd. | N/A | 2d4 | all | Basic Hold | Y | Melee | Attack | Must have maintained a Basic Hold/lock for 1 round. Victim is thrown 10 ft. +1 ft./level and is prone (Dex. Check -10 to negate). |
Hurl | Unlim. | N/A | d2 | 1 | Grab Attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Requires a successful Grappling Attack. Opposed Strength check. If successful, target thrown 1-5 ft. (save vs. Dexterity or prone) |
Impact Sponge | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 0 | None | Y | Melee & Ranged | Defense | Charisma check. If successful, it looks like full damage is being done to character. |
Incapacitator | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 1 | Strike | Y | Melee | Attack | Successful Strike causes limb to be useless for 24 hours. Save vs. paralyzation to negate. Called shot required to chose a specific limb, however, it can also be determined randomly. |
K.O./Stun | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 0 | Any Attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Instead of doing damage with a move, the attacker may choose to try for K.O. for each point of damage that would have been done, add a 5% cumulative chance of K.O. or stun (1d6 rds. Each) |
Manipulate Body | 1/rd. | 1 | 0 | 1 | None | N | Melee | Attack | When an attacker attempts to manipulate a body, they forgo any damage that would have been done to cause as much pain as possible to their opponent (without doing any real damage). The opponent must make a System Shock roll each round they are manipulated or lose conciousness. They victim has a 5% penalty per successive round (cumulative) they endure a Manipulate Body. |
Paralyzing Touch | Unlim. | N/A | 0 | 1 | Any Attack | Y | Melee | Attack | Taken with a specific move. Successful attack paralyzes opponent for 2d4 rounds. Save vs. Paralyzation at -2 to negate. |
Pull Punch | Unlim. | N/A | varies | 0 | None | N | Melee | Attack | Dexterity check to reduce dmg. (amount of reduction is chosen). |
Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact | 1/rd. | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Defense | Dex. Check, if successful damage from 1 attack is reduced by 50% (excluding slashing/piercing but including area of effect). Must move 1-3 squares, attacker may follow. |
Spinning Evasion | 1/rd. | N/A | 0 | all | None | Y | Melee & Ranged | Attack | As per Dodge. May be used against, up to, 3 attacks in a round. Character may also move 25% of their total move for each attack they attempted to avoid. |
Stagger | 1/encounter | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Attack | Victim makes a Wisdpom Check (-4). If failed, victim loses initiative. Check is made before the combat round begins. |
Turn with Punch/Fall/Impact | 1/rd. | N/A | 0 | 1 | None | Y | Melee | Defense | As per Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact but damage reduced by 75% |