Medallion of ESP

This is a normal appearing pendant disk, hung from a neck chain. It is usually fashioned from bronze, copper, or nickel-silver. The device enables the wearer to concentrate and pick up thought in a path 1 foot wide at the medallion and broadening 2 feet for every 10 feet of distance from the device the magic reaches, up to an 11- foot maximum width at 50 feet. Note that the wearer cannot send thought through a medallion of ESP.

Use of the medallion requires a full round. It is prevented from functioning by stone over 3 feet thick, metals over 1/6 inch thick, or any continuous sheet of lead, gold, or platinum of any thickness greater than a layer of paint. The medallion malfunctions (with no result) on a roll of 6 on a d6, and the device must be checked every time it is used.

The character using the medallion can pick up only the surface thoughts of creatures in the ESP path. The general distance can be determined, but any thoughts are understandable only if the user knows the language of the thinkers. If the target creatures use no language, only their prevailing emotions can be read. Note that undead and golems have neither thoughts nor emotions.

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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