
Merrow speak their own dialect and the language of other ogres.​   ​A typical merrow tribe consists of: 1 chief, AC3, 6+6 Hit Dice, +2 on damage 2 patrol leaders, AC3, 5+5 Hit Dice, +1 on damage 2-24 standard merrow 2-24 females, AC5, 3+3 Hit Dice, 1-2/1-2/1-6 damage 1-12 young, AC6, 2+2 Hit Dice, 1-2/1-2/1-4 damage 1 shaman of 3rd level ability Merrow dwell in caves in shallow, fresh water (50-250 feet deep), often with scrags (see Troll). They can live out of water for about two hours, so they often forage on land. Merrow usually control an area with a radius of 10-15 miles, hunting and foraging throughout this territory. In times of scarcity, or when the lure of treasure becomes too great, a war party will attack the coastal villages of man. Merrow prefer gold and jewels and often overlook dull magical items in search of glittering prizes. The goals of a merrow chieftain rule the tribe, and these power-hungry monsters seek to completely control their “kingdoms”, often leading to attacks on intruding ships.​     ​Merrow are ignorant and superstitious and have no skills but plundering and murder. Areas of the freshwater lakes and seas where they have influence are avoided by sailors and fishermen. These monsters are carnivores, preying on all who enter their regions, often emptying the seas of life with their voracious appetites.​   ​Faster and fiercer than their land kin, the freshwater merrow are greenish and scaled with webbed hands and feet. Their necks are long and thick, their shoulders are sloping, and they have huge mouths and undershot jaws. Merrow have black teeth and nails and deep green eyes with white centers, and their hair resembles slimy seaweed. About 10% grow ivory horns, especially the more powerful males. Aquatic ogres are very fond of tattoos, and females may have their entire bodies inked with scenes of death and destruction as a sign of status.​ ​Merrow typically attack with a large piercing spear (inflicting 2-12 points of damage) in a swimming charge at +1 to hit, followed by melee with talons and teeth.​ Camoflauge: Using their green coloration, aquatic ogres can hide, becoming effectively invisible 10-80% of the time, depending on terrain. They attack from cover, so others are -5 on their surprise roll.​    
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages
Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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