Miath Leorry​

​Miath is a great guardian of sacrfice and protection. She will risk all in defense of the innocent or those that show hope of redemption. She is unpredicatable and uncommunicative but that should not be interrpretued as chaotic - for all things she has a purpose whether it be know by others or not. She is gifted and plagued by the ability to hear all those that suffer in the cosmos and she is compelled to respond to their need often at a moments notice. Mortals believe that she has no home (unlike the other gods and titans who have their own planes of existance) - she is said to prowl the universe constantly and unwaveringly lending aid to those in distress. During the time of abandonement, when gods could no longer interfere in the lives of mortals, she was as a restless animal, pacing, attentive, distressed, and ready to act should her name be called.​ ​She is described as a great winged angel. Her wings are of mithril and they are often depicted curling around some hapless creature as she sheds caution and bears blood in their defence. She carries a great sword and a mighty shield upon which is graven the image of snarling dragon (an Adamantite Dragon). Her face is always contorted - often in despire, a cry for action, or in a sneer showing disgust for those that would assualt the innocent.​ ​So great is Miath's compassion, all those who cry out for her intervention have a 1% chance of having a response. For the faithful believers of Miath, this is increasded to 3%. For deserving priests of Miath, the Guardians, this is a 5% chance.​ ​Types of interventions: 01-50% A vision/revelation of some important, potentially life-saving information 50-90% Interention from one of the ​Aasimon Agathinono wh serve her. 90-98% Intervention from a nearby Adamantite Dragon 98-100% Intervention form Miath, herself. ​Adamantine Dragons​
Divine Classification


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