Miridor Feadid

Spell Book:  

Short sword, Short bow +1, 20 arrows (sheaf), 6 arrows +2 (sheaf), silver dagger, chain mail, small shield, helm, Elven Boots 45 pp.


Miridor Feadid is the nephew of a clan leader in XX. Because of constant bickering and rivalry with his cousins, he decided to leave and seek glory and fortune to prove his value to his clan. Dignified, and at times quite arrogant, however, he does possess excellent judgement tempered with compassion. He usually is perfectly at home in a court environment, or within the presence of a monarch. This fellow naturally thinks he is the obvious choice for group leader.

Miridor has also been commissioned by the Bailiff of XX to ensure all PCs will accomplish the mission without treachery and later report on his fellows' attitude during the mission for which he has received 25 pp (and will receive another 25 pp later). Miridor will be quiet abour this minor detail.



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