Miru al Lothenar

The Elves of Lothenar   Location: Shallow interior of Eastern edge of Sebaste forest, Forest of Lothenar, approx. 375 miles from the southern coast, 50 mi. from the Appollonian border.   Estimated Size: 20 sq. mi.   Current Leader: None   A local population of Miru-Eldain in the larger Sebaste forest. The area known as the forest of Lothenar was claimed as part of New Denagoth by Landyn Teriak.   The Miru Al Lothenar, friends of the people of Wendar, were thought to be wiped out by Landyn Teriak’s forces (they established New Denagoth, which was disbanded by Anton Dagonheart and Company), led by a black dragon, some 30 years ago. Denolas, the King of the Miru Al Lothenar, and his Queen were both thought to be slain in this assault. No formal tribe continues to exist, however, it is suspected that some still wander the woods in isolation or have taken up hiding amongst other populations (Wendar, Miru Al Geffron).


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