
Morgoor, human Fighter (11 th level): AC 0 (full platt armor +1 MV 12; hp 109; Tf IACO 9 (1 with tUI(}- 1llllldt."d ruoord +4 and girdle of frost gillllt strength NAT 3/2; DmS I d 10+ 13 (tu'O'Mllded sword +4, girdle of frost giant stnmgtll SO gaim, +2 bonus to all saving throws due to rillK of protection +2; 52 M (5'7" M L fanatic (17 ALCE; XP 6,000. Str ]7 (21 with girdle offrost gianl $trmgtlt), Dex 7, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 10, \torgoor is a fearsome enemy; her average height and only slightly stronger·than·average build belie her magical strength. Morgoor always tries to get into melee as quickly as possible and tsehews missile weapons completely. She wears rings of mllld sllieldlll.~ and protection +2 (affects her saving throws though not her Armor Class), and cames a potion of extra-llealiNg and two potiolls of liuper-hf'roism (+2 HO, 1 dlO+4 additional hp for 5d6 rounds). Morgoor adores dia· monds, and has four of these (value 1,000 gp each) set into her crocodile-skin belt and a beautiful specimen (va lue 5,000 gp) in a belt pouch.


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