
When this wand is pointed at a target within range (90') and the command word spoken, a small ball of weblike material flies from the wand tip. No attack roll is needed, but the target is allowed a saving throw vs. wand. Failure means that the target is covered by a weblike net, which hampers movement and actions. The web-net fully covers targets of small and medium size, who suffer the following following effects:

  • MV is reduced to 1
  • attack and damage rolls are at a -4 penalty
  • Dexterity bonuses are negated
  • Shield use is impossible

Large targets are 50% covered and suffer the following effects:

  • MV rate is halved
  • Attack and damage rolls are at -2
  • Dexterity bonuses are negated

Huge and gargantuan targets are only slightly affected:

  • MV rate is reduced by 25%
  • attack and damage rolls are made with a -1 penalty
  • Dexterity is reduced by 1 point

The net-web lasts for 1 turn. Targets smaller than large (L) size cannot free themselves and must be helped by others. It takes d3 rounds to remove the net, unless the target is huge (H) or gargantuan (G), in which case it takes a single round. Web-nets which miss their target will land 10' to 60' behind the target but do not represent any significant hazard to movement or actions. A netwand is worth 3,000 XP. It can be used by any character class and can be recharged by a wizard of 9th or higher level.

Speed Factor
XP Value


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