Neutralize Gas

By using this spell, the wizard renders inert and makes breathable any harmful vapors, gases, clouds, or fogs in the area of effect. This includes Stinking Cloud, Cloudkill, Solid Fog, Death Fog, Incendiary Cloud, Acid Storm, gaseous breath weapons, spore or mold clouds, and similar spells and effects.

Harmful gas or vapor is transformed into a common, harmless fog cloud of the same dimensions as the original effect, and then dissipates d3 rounds later. Creatures who were injured before neutralize gas is cast continue to suffer any effects from their previous exposure - the spell does not heal or counter existing damage, so a creature that is choking and gagging from a stinking cloud would receive no relief from this dweomer.

If cast in the same round of the effect’s appearance, neutralize gas may be used to counter gaseous breath weapons, spores, and molds by granting any creatures affected a +4 bonus to their saving throws and reducing any damage to one‑half or one‑quarter normal, depending on whether or not the victims make their saving throws.

Air‑based creatures are not affected by this spell; neutralize gas only “clears the air” of any harmful inhalants.

The material components are a bit of charcoal and some bark from a Treant.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Abjuration, Alchemy, Elemental Air
180 ft.​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

Casting Time
Area of Effect
​One 10‑ft. cube/lvl. ​
Saving Throw


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