New Mire

Connected to: Barb Denfast Devon Tersa Odian Gillson   The area on the map shown as New Mire was, until two ye<l1"S ago, good farming land. The first year. the soil here ~re",' waterlogged, until the roots of plants rottL'CI in the ground. This year. the problem is even WOI'lie. Cutter Brook has not flooded. nor does the water lI\ it 5eem foul or bad to drink, yet the affected are.' has almost doubled ib; size. The cause of the waterlogging is a mystery the locals desperately want solved. Unable to grow crops in the soggy ground, they have been reduced to buying feed for their animals and themselves and are threatened with destitution.   Cutter Brook This long. meandering stream leads down to the Chumett river from its source in the Patchwork hills. CXca:.ionally semi-precious stones are found in the stony stream bt..>rl. These are green- or blue- tinged copper.-conrnining stones, the size of small pebbles, with delicate whorling and striation. They have a base value of only 5 or 10 sp, SO the banks of the stream .ue hardly thronged with hopeful pnnners. Finds are incidental and opportunistic. and often made by young farm children. shepherds, or hopeful Hshennen. The brook is never more than six feet deep or so .:lnd is forded easily at almost any point.


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