
the Reaper

​Nhaggol is the Demon Prince of the Ghouls. Nhaggol is much the petulant child of the demon princes. He lusts for power, takes great pleasure in leadership through strength and is prone to outbursts and execution of poorly thought out plans. Nhaggol is the Reaper of souls, he is Orcus' lackey and errand boy. Nhaggol remains in Orcus' employ inasmuch as he can't overthrow Orcus and he fears the reprecussions of defection. ​ Nhaggol has his own brand of Baatezu known, or the material plane, as "True Ghouls." It is worth noting that True Ghouls and ghouls share no lineage but True Ghouls often employ ghouls as witless agents that are easily subjugated.​   The god of the ghouls is unknown to outsiders; often called the Lord of Rot and Shadow, or simply the Lord of All Ghouls, many scholars believe the creature is an Abyssal Lord, though others believe it is some form of greater yugoloth or demi-god. In fact, the power answering ghoul prayers is none other than Nerull, the Reaper. Ghouls are the only race whose worship he enjoys; more sensi-ble races worship Nerull merely to placate him.
​Shadow Dragons: Ziverrad Eater of Souls is Nhaggols truest companion. Ziverrad has loose dominion over the other Shadow Dragons, but, with Nhaggol's dominance, they can be commanded to his aid.​


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