
Ogres are big, ugly, greedy humanoids that live by ambushes, raids, and theft. Ill-tempered and nasty, these monsters are often found serving as mercenaries in the ranks of Orc tribes, evil clerics, or Gnolls. They mingle freely with giants and trolls.

In small numbers, ogres fight as unorganized individuals, but groups of 11 or more will have a leader, and groups of 16 or more usually include two leaders and a chieftain. Ogres wielding weapons get a Strength bonus of +2 to hit; leaders have +3, chieftains have +4. Females fight as males but score only 2d4 points of damage and have a maximum of only 6 hit points per die. Young ogres fight as goblins.

Standard Abilities:

  • Great Strength: +2 hit & damage with weapon​
  • Angry Smash: Makes one attack with two attack rolls. Takes the best result.​
  • Hurling Charge: On a declared charge, the ogre may make a javelin attack before the charge (on the initiative roll).​
  • Flail Hurricane: Requires a flail. May attack all enemies within 2 squares. Everyone (M or S) that is hit saves vs. Dex. or is knocked prone.​
  • Knockdown: When using any weapon, victims must save vs. Dex. or be prone.​
  • Ogre

    Alignment: CE
    Organization: Tribe
    Activity Cycle: Any
    Intelligence: Low (5-7)
    Treasure: M (Q, B, S)
    Diet: Carnivore
    # Appearing:
    XP Value: 270
    Mvmt: 9
    Size: L (9'+ tall)
    Morale: Steady (11-12)
    Spoken Languages and Dialects

    Hit Dice


    Base THAC0:



    Armor Class


    Magic Resistance: Nil

    Armor Notes:

    Number of Attacks

    Attack Forms

    Martial Art Style(s):


    Spells and Psionics:

    Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

    Campaign Notes:


    NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.


    Basic Information

    Ecology and Habitats

    Ogre tribes are found anywhere, from deep caverns to mountaintops.

    ​Ogres often make their lairs in thinly settled borderlands - places where they can find homesteads to pillage and travelers to waylay, but wild enough to discourage pursuit. They favor desolate hills and dark forests. Left to their own devices, ogres live in small hunter-gatherer bands that separate or move on when they use up the easily available food sources of an area. They prefer pillage and theft to actual hunting or gathering.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Ogres live by raiding and scavenging and they will eat anything. Their fondness for elf, dwarf, and halfling flesh means that there is only a 10% chance that these will be found as slaves or prisoners. Captured prisoners are always kept as slaves (25%) or food (75%). Extremely avaricious, ogres squabble over treasure and cannot be trusted, even by their own kind.

    Ogres consistently plague mankind, lusting for gold, gems, and jewelry as well as human flesh. They are evil-natured creatures that join with other monsters to prey on the weak and favor overwhelming odds to a fair fight. Ogres make no crafts nor labor.

    Ogres are lazy and surly creatures, but powerful masters sometimes put them to work as menial laborers. The brightest ogres sometimes seek out work as mercenaries, and might accumulate arms and armor far better than those of the typical ogre. They like big weapons that make good use of their size and strength - greataxes, morningstars, or heavy flails.​

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Tribes have 16-20 males, 2-12 females, and 2-8 young. Shamans, if present, will be of 3rd level, and have access to the spheres of combat, divination, healing, protection, and sun (darkness only).

    Average Intelligence


    Civilization and Culture

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    It is common for ogres to speak orc, troll, stone giant, and gnoll, as well as their own guttural language

    Common Dress Code

    Dressing in poorly cured furs and animal hides, they care for their weapons and armor only reasonably well.
    90 yrs.
    Average Height
    9+ ft.
    Average Weight
    300-350 lbs.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Their skin colors range from a dead yellow to a dull black-brown, and (rarely) a sickly violet. Their warty bumps are often of a different color - or at least darker than their hides. Their eyes are purple with white pupils. Teeth and talons are orange or black. Ogres have long, greasy hair of blackish-blue to dull dark green. Their odor is repellent, reminiscent of curdled milk.


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