
Night Below​ ​From the Chosen, knew Quiper and helped us after we were ambushed at hogs brook A druid in the Thornwood. Oleanne is an attractive but unkempt young woman. Her commonspeech is halting, her cloak and robe tattered, her long blond hair dirty. Most of the inhabitants of Haranshire are frightened of "The Wild Woman of the Woods". Oleanne travels with two large gray wolves named Arlin and Belshar. ​   Oleanne,4th-Ievel Druid: AC 10; MY 12; hp 23; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg Id6 (stafO; SA speUs; SD spells, +2 saving throw bonus against fire & elec tricity, drujd abilities (see below AL N. Wis 18, Cha 17. Spells: animal friendS/lip (x2), detect evil, ell tangle, pass wit/lOut trace; barkskill, charm persoll or mammal, speak willi animals (xl). Druid abilities: identify plants, animals, and pure water; pass through underbrush without trace. Oleanne has both the Healing (18) and Herbalism (10) nonweapon proficiencies. Oleanne has an extraordinary appearance. Somewhere under the dirt there's a remarkably pretty young woman (age 21), but it's hard to tell, as her hair is long and unkempt and her clothing little more than rags. She is 5' 5", lightly built, with dark eyes and auburn hair. She speaks Common haltingly, with an unplaceable djalect which makes it difficult to understand her (an Intelligence check is needed for any sophisticated or complex information being conveyed). Accompanying her are Belshar and Arlin, two large grey wolves (HD 3, AC 7, Jd4+I, 24 hp each), young and healthy, who stay by her side.


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