
​Orcus is the harvester of souls. He makes his dwelling in the negative material plane and sends forth his minions to gather the souls of the dying and judge them. Should one be found true to their faith, their souls are sent onward to the plane of their god. If one is found unworthy, they find their domain in the negative plane.​ ​Orcus is the elder statesman of the Demon Princes of Baatu. Orcus maintains order and control for Baatu. Orcus' prize for culling the dead is to retain the choice morsels that are rejected by the other deities - those that have fallen or have been unfaithful to their liege lords.​ ​Orcus is also responsible for the distribution of lost souls to the various other avatars under Baatu's control. Typically, lost souls are turned into Baatezu. A small number are sent to the various other avatars of Baatu as rewards for good service. ​ ​It has been long fabled that Gruumsh, Devil King of Du'Makh, was a high ranking Baatezu hand picked by Orcus. Orcus codified in flesh a strain of Baatezu to serve Gruumsh as his personal guard. When Gruumsh defected from Baatu (to Du'Makh) and Orcus, he took these servants with him and many of their powers were lost - these became known as orcs, the bastard creations of Orcus, who have long lusted to regain their forgotten power. ​
​Blue Dragons: Kadrarranth the Mammoth is Orcus' favored mount and, as such, most blue dragons find themselves allies or servants to Orcus or his commanders.​
Divine Classification


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