
PalJestrin, Pit Fiend: AC -5; MV 15, fly 24 (C HD 13; hp 97; THACO 7; 1f ..... T 1 (in human lorm) or 6 (in baatezu form Omg 1d4+6 (slap. Strength bonus) or 1d4-+6/ Id4+6/1d6+6/1db+6/2d6 + s;pecial/2d4+6 + special (wing buffet/wing buffet/daw /claw /bite/tail SA bite is ooth poisonous (~l\"e \'_'"' poi."On or dip in Id4 rounds) and inflicts diseac;e (no sa\'ing throw), tail constricts for automatic 2d4 pomts of damage each round after initial strike (Strength check to break free),/tar aura (20' radius; sa\'C \._ .... rodiwand.l .. tafj at a -3 penalty or flee for 1dlO rounds), spell-like powers; SO regencr.ltion (2 hp per round), immune to poiSon, cold iron, and fire (normal, magical. and dragon's breath), half-damage from cold and sas attacks and silver weapons, immune to weapons of less than +3 enchanbTIenl, SW magiC ,ms::.dt:.>, acid, and electricity cause full damage; MR5O"/,,; SZ M (6' 2") in polymorphed human fonn or L(12' tall) in baatezu fonn; ML fearless (19 Int ~enius (17 AL LE; XP2l,00J. Special abilities (once per round at will, unless otherwise noted): tldt~lICl'd illusion. anlmale dead, dumn person, delect nmgic, deled illt>isib"it~,jirrbal1,galt (2 lesser or 1 greater haatezu), IlOld person, iml'rmotJ inVisibility, illJravision, blOUI a/lgllml'7lt (automatic; always active), poIymQrph Sl!1f, prodl/ct flame, pyrotechnics. sllggestion, symbol of paill (once per day; on a failed Scl\'ing throw vs, rod/wand/staff, victim suffers -4 penalty to attacks and -2 to Dexterity for 2dlO rounds), /l'Iepatlly (can communicate with any intelligent crearurc), teleport witllOll! error, 1001/ of flan/i', wish (once per year)     ​higher demon encountered in Night Below Why was he there? Was he an emissary form a particular god?​   Pit Fiend


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