
​Within the practice of the worship of Baatu exists a sub-segment of priests who are radical in their thinking. These priests seek to use disease to cause turmoil in the mortal world and, ultimately, destroy civilization and bring all sentient races to the point of death. They are known as plague priests and their visage is feared throughout Alcirya, even by the other Priests of Baatu that they serve with. While Plague Priests love to identify themselves, they often keep their membership and true feelings secret until some great plan has been, or is about to be, exacted upon society. These priests think nothing of the destruction of themselves, their compatriots or their order as they follow the word of their lord. They shun direct physical confrontation; they are a spiritual parasite. These priests often carry signs of the diseases they carry and they consider disfigurement a holy and beautiful.​  
Tenets of Faith
​Channel power to the Chained God, so she can break her chains​
​Retrieve lost relics and shrines to the Chained God​
​Pursue the obliteration of the world, in anticipation of the Chained God’s liberation​
Duties and Rites of the Priest
Spread disease
Also Known As
Plague Priests
Worshiped God
Known Titan(s)
Priesthood of Disease​
Typical Alignments
Chaotic Evil... ​The priests of Baatu that have chosen this path foment chaos via any path available… Chaotic evil is their only choice. ​
Holy Symbol
Affiliate Order(s)
​None, they are too disgusting​
Opposition Order(s)
All, particularly Ordo Balera and Hospitilars​
Typical Racial Followers
​No races as a whole, however, segments of most sentient races spawn these aberritions​
Dedicated Servants
Thought Eaters​
  If you are a Specialty Priest (Theologian):  
Initial Funds
​3d6 x 10 gp (once the priest has bought their equipment, they must return all the remaining funds to their organization except for d3 gp)​
Minimum Ability Scores
​Wisdom 9, Constitution 15. Wisdom or Constitution 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Constitution 16 means +10% experience.​
Race(s) Allowed
Followers and Strongholds
​The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of one fifth‑level priest, three third-level priests, and six first-level priests of the same order, and ten first-level fighters. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom can be third-level) and three fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level. In most cultures, to keep the priesthood safe from the wrath of the people, the priests will have to keep the location of the stronghold secret; it must either be built in the wilderness, or may be built in a community if it is disguised as some other facility (for example, the front rooms may ironically be a healer's guild, while the back rooms are where the real temple activities take place).​
​These priests never procreate or engage in lustful activities for pleasure, however, they may do so to spread their blights​.
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Required
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Recommended
Reading/Writing, Religion, Ancient History​
Weapon Proficiencies Required
Weapons Permitted
Bows (all), dart, scourge, scythe, sickle, whip​
Armor Permitted
All non-magical armor, all non-magical shields​
Major Sphere Access
All, Animal, Healing (Reversed forms of Healing only), Summoning, Weather
Minor Sphere Access
Combat, Divination, Necromantic, Protection (Reversed forms of Necromantic and Protection only)
Granted Powers
Immunity ​To all disease (though their bodies will display the ravages of such, they are never truly ailed by them) ​
Lay on Hands - ​Same as the Templar ability, but reversed - it does damage, rather than curing damage ​


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