
Pctrechella, Erlnyes: AC 2; MV 12, fly 12 (C HD 6+6; hp 40; THACO 13 (II or9 with /ollg sword +2, +4 us. good·alig/ltd crealllres NAT 1; Omg Id8+2 or +4 (/ollg sword +2. +4 lIS. good-aliglled crto illtes SA cllarm perSOli gaze (see below), rapt' of 1!1I1/l1!gll'nu!IIt, fear (at will, she can CdUse any creature looking at her to make a saving throw vs. rod /wand/staff or flee in panic for Id6 rounds), can wield any weapon with proficiency; SO immune to nonmagical weapons, immune to poison, cold iron, and all £ires (magical or nonmagical), half~dama8e from ("old and gas attacks; SW magiC missilts. add, electricity, and silver weapons cause full damage; MR 30%; SZ M (5'9" ML champion (16) if with Palleslrin, otherwise steady (12 Int high (14 AL LE; XP 7.000. Chr 19. Special abilities (usable once pt"'r round at will, unless otherwise noted): adtHltIced iI/IISio", ",Iimatl! dead, elmrm persoll, deltet ilwisibility, gnte (once per day, 50'',(. chance of IdS spinagons or 35% chance of Id4 barbazu), mjrtlulsioll, illuisibility, blOW aligllment (always active), locate objrc/, po/ymorpll SRlf, producc flame, speak any language, suggestiotl, telepathy (can communicate with any intelligent crea· ture), teleport withollt error. Petrechella's chonll persall ga7.e has a range of 60 feet; anyone sh(O looks at within that range (whether the other person meets her gaze or is even aware of it) must make a saving throw vs. spell a!> if he or she were half his or her current lc\'el (that is, an 8th-level fighter saves as if a 4th·levcl fighter). Failure m(Oans the victim becomes loyal unto death, doing her bidding even if it means perishing or killing friends and loved ones. Petrechella can release the victim .It any time; otherwise only her death breaks the bond_ However, she can only ha\'e one charmed victim at any given time. Petrechella keeps her rope (If mlangltmc1I/ in the drawer of her desk and carries a sachet of dusl of s'ltf':mg and choking at all notes.


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