Phase Potion

The phase potion, which is related to Oil of Etherealness, is more useful for general combat. When taken, this potion allows the user to shift in and out of phase with the Prime Material Plane at will, much like a Phase Spider. When out of phase, the user is impervious to all forms of attack except those that reach into the Ethereal Plane. A Phase Door spell forces the user to remain in phase for seven rounds. Even when in phase, the user is surrounded by a fiery nimbus of white fire - the trace of the portal to the Ethereal Plane.

In addition to being able to shift into the Ethereal Plane, the user may take up to 60 pounds of material along. Inert gear can be taken automatically simply by touching it and willing it to come along, but a living creature is entitled to a save vs. spell at -2 if it does not wish to go with the potion user. These effects last for 5d8 rounds.

Phase potions are brewed from Phase Spider ichor or from the concentrated juices of rare underground fungi.

Speed Factor
See Potions General
XP Value
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Base Price


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