Potion of Domination

These are crafted by Savant Aboleth to control distant servitors. If taken in repeated doses, the effect of the potion is to make the victim automatically vulnerable to the domination effect of the Aboleth (no saving throw allowed) at any distance. The Aboleth can control the general actions and thoughts of the victim, but no telepathic link is forged, so it must periodically send its pawn new instructions. Usually, the victim will be "conditioned" by the Aboleth to recognize specific Aboleth glyphs and sigils, so that he or she then obeys without question the orders of anyone displaying that symbol (obviously, clever PCs who stumble upon this fact might make good use of it). The Aboleth can also condition victims to obey specific recognizable individuals. Side-effects of consuming the potion include the development of a fishy body odor and occasional nightmares concerning the Aboleth. If a PC consumes a dose of this potion, he or she suffers violent stomach cramps for d4+2 turns (-2 penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, and to all actions). For the next seven days, the PC suffers a -2 penalty to all saving throws against charms and similar effects. The PC also suffers nightmares each night for seven successive nights. In these nightmares, the PC sees vistas of some huge and weirdly sculpted underground city rising up out of the black waters of a great lake and dreams of the tentacles of some vast, fish-like thing reaching out for him or her; the character wakes sweating and terrified: no healing from rest, and no memorization of cast spells, is possible. The DM should strongly discourage the PC from consuming another dose!
Speed Factor
See Potions General
XP Value
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Base Price


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