Potion of Undead Control

This potion in effect gives the imbiber the ability to charm certain ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, shadows, skeletons, spectres, wights, wraiths, vampires, and zombies. The charm ability is similar to the 1st-level wizard spell, Charm Person. It affects a maximum of 16 Hit Dice of undead, rounding down any hit point additions to the lowest die (4+1 equals 4 Hit Dice). The undead are entitled to saving throws vs. spell only if they have intelligence. Saving throws are rolled with -2 penalties due to the power of the potion; the effects wear off in 5d4 rounds. To determine the type of undead affected by a particular potion, roll d10 and consult the following table:

Speed Factor
See Potions General
XP Value
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Base Price


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