This power lets the psionicist predict the general destiny of a single creature. That destiny is based on the current situation only - future actions may change the target’s predicted destiny.
Before making the power check, the psionicist must spend a full hour alone with the subject (or isolated if he is using the power on himself). The two converse about the past and present, and the subject makes known his plans for at least the immediate future. If the subject is not completely honest with the psionicist, the power check automatically fails. The DM makes the power check secretly. If successful, the psionicist gains a broad understanding of the target creature’s prospects for one year in the future. The DM evaluates the target and give a general statement of one or two words. “Favorable” or “great riches” are appropriate responses, as are “little change” or even “possible death.” The power gives no greater detail.
Spending additional power points gives a greater time span, though accuracy is still vague. Each five additional PSPs extends the prediction range by one year. When the DM does not clearly understand the target’s future, broader statements must be applied. The subject creature and the psionicist are both aware that these predictions are subject to change. The psionicist’s impressions are based solely on “plot inertia” generated by past and present events.