
Prentyss, 9th-level Thief. AC 0 (Ieatiler IIrlllor +3, boots of stridillg alld springing, Dexterity bonus MV 12 + special (boots: can !l'ap 30' forward, 9' back, or IS' straight up hp 2.5; THACO 16 (15 with sf/prt swcrd +1, 13 with $//orl bow +1 and Dexterity bonus HAT 1 or 2; Omg Id6+1 (sllort WJOrd +1 or sllort bow +1 SA +4 to attack rolls and quadruple damage on backslab, can attack and leap away before counterattacked if wins initiative (2% chance of stumbling), envenomed arrows (paralysis ALeE; XP 3,000. Str 11, Dex 18, Can 10, ll\t 15, Wis 15, Cha 14. Thief skills: Pick Pockets (55%), Open Locks (65%), Find & Remove Traps (~iI), Move Silently (70"/0), Hide in Shadows (85%), Hear Noise (45%), Climb Walls (90%), Read languages (3O'Y,,). Prentyss is short (5' 3"), fair-haired, and youthful in appearance, with a broken nose. She wears a rlllg of j/lvisibility and a ring of illvisibility de/ectiOIl. She carries a walld of magic missiles with 30 charges. The thief carries 200 pp in a bell pouch and four pearls (value 1,000 gp each) in another pouch, but she .,Iso has extra vaJuables hidden in the hilt of her short sword: two fine rubies (value 5,000 gp each) are carefully concealed therein (Intelligence check or Find Traps roll to detect the screw mechanism which opens to reveal them). She carries six envenomed arrows of the same lcind Farayenel has, and she has a slolle;kill spell active.


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