Protection from Poison

With this abjuration spell, the wizard provides a protective barrier similar to that created by the spells Protection from Evil or Protection from Vermin, warding the recipient against creatures that possess venom or poison of some kind. Poisonous monsters or poison‑using characters of 4 or less Hit Dice or levels are prevented from making physical contact with the spell recipient, while venomous creatures of 4+1 Hit Dice or poison‑using characters of five levels or more suffer a -2 penalty on their attack rolls against the protected character.

Only injected or contact poisons from natural or innate sources (such as compounds made from plants or the venom from a snake) in a position to possibly injure the character are protected against; a thief carrying a vial of ingestive poison in his pouch is not counted as a venomous character while a character that is brandishing a poisoned short sword is counted as venomous. The spell recipient can still be poisoned by a spitting attack or a thrown dagger smeared with poison.

If the spell recipient attacks a creature he has been warded against or uses the resistance of the spell’s aura to force his antagonist to give ground, the spell ends. Regrettably, reaching out to drink from a poisoned cup dispels the effect, so this spell offers no protection against ingested poisons. The spell functions normally if cast upon a poison‑using creature or character.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Abjuration (House Quintus)

Somatic, Verbal

1 round/level ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
​Creature touched ​
Saving Throw


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