Psychic Blade

With this power, the psionicist creates a semi-tangible manifestation of his psychic attack that is shaped like a sword and can be wielded as a weapon in physical combat. Any living creature struck by the psychic blade suffers d6 points of damage, plus 1 additional point per extra 2 PSPs the psionicist wishes to spend. The victim must also make a saving throw versus death or be stunned and unable to act for d6 rounds. Psychic blade damage is treated as punching damage; 25% is real, and 75% is temporary damage that is recovered within one turn of the end of the encounter.

The psychic blade is an extension of the psionicist’s own life energy, and it is treated as a +2 weapon for purposes of striking monsters immune to normal weapons. Because the blade is the psionicist’s very life, it conveys special touch attacks back to his own body. Creatures that drain energy levels automatically drain a level from the psionicist each time he strikes them with a psychic blade. Monsters without minds (oozes, slimes, jellies, elementals, and golems) cannot be harmed by the psychic blade.

If the victim has a psionic defense mode operating when struck by the psychic blade, the psionicist must win a psychic contest against the victim for this power to cause any harm.

PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
Area of Effect
6th level, mind thrust ​
Power Score
​The damage increases to 1d10, and the victim receives a –2 penalty on his saving throw. ​
Critical (20)
The psionicist weakens himself in the attempt to create the blade, suffering 1d4 points of damage. ​


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