
​The Wild Lands of Alcirya are home to countless raiding tribes, desperate bands of cutthroats and criminals who take what they can from those weaker than themselves. The raider is a hard, cruel character who is the ultimate survivalist. He depends on no one but himself, takes what he needs, and guards what little wealth he gains with his life. Raiding tribes are of all sizes and descriptions. Some are bands of escaped slaves who know no other way to survive. Some are peasants and villagers whose homes were destroyed by another raiding clan, forcing them into the outlaw’s life. Others are swift elven clans who have been raiding together for hundreds of years, passing down the tactics and traditions from one generation to the next. When a PC chooses this kit, it is important for the DM to sit down with the player and work out the details of the raiding tribe the character calls home.  
​The raider is an outlaw, hated and feared by most of the common folk of Alcirya. He responds to this universal loathing with violence and fierce self-reliance. The raider long ago decided that the end justifies the means, and he is a pragmatic survivalist. He plays to win. In a campaign, raiders are villainous characters who are known for fighting hard and dirty. They consort with the worst kind of criminals and represent a chaotic force that threatens the fabric of Alciryan civilization. Almost the only place a raider is welcome is in the company of his own tribe. Even then, most raiding tribes recognize the strongest fighter as their leader. ​
Distinctive Appearance
Special Benefits
​Experts at lying in wait and striking swiftly from concealment, raiders have the ability to prepare ambushes. The raider must spot the enemy before they spot anyone in his party and have at least 10 minutes to get ready. Optionally, the raider can prepare an ambush at a site that is likely to be traveled, such as an oasis or a commonly used road. If the raider has time to set up, his side imposes a -4 on the opponents’ surprise roll when the ambush is sprung.​
​Raiders are also at home dealing with criminals and cutthroats. The former gain a +3 on their reaction checks when approaching such characters in a neutral setting, such as a tavern. ​  
Special Hindrances
​Raiders are generally despised by all other people except their own tribes. They suffer a -3 reaction check penalty when dealing with towns-people, villagers, Templars , or merchants. In addition, if a raider becomes known to the Templars of a city, they make every effort to arrest him on sight. ​
Attribute Requirements
Barred Beliefs
Raider characters are almost always neutral or evil in alignment; a good character would have to insist on taking only from those who can “share” their wealth. There are no special ability requirements to be a raider. ​
Race Requirement
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies
Required Weapon Proficiencies
​Raiders must spend one weapon proficiency slot on a weapon suitable for close combat\ - a knife, dagger, hand axe, or unarmed combat style specialization. ​
Recommended Weapon Proficiencies
Barred Weapon Proficiencies
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Direction Sense, either Running or Riding (Land-Based)
Recommended Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Appraising, Bowyer, Endurance, Fire Building, Gaming, Hunting, Intimidation, Navigation, Survival, Dowsing
​Raiders believe in the value of moving fast and do not wear armor that could slow them down. A raider never voluntarily carries so much equipment that he becomes encumbered, although he may exceed this restriction when he carries loot. In addition, a raider must purchase at least three weapons when he begins play - raiders are famous for being armed to the teeth. ​
Wealth Options
​Raiders start with 5d4 x 30 gp. ​
Homeland Terrain
Economic System


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