
Garlstone Mine​ Night Below​   , 5th·level Fighter: AC 2 or 0 (spUllt lIIail +2, boots of speed MY 24 (boots of speed hp 44; THACO 16 (14 with lon8 bow +1 and Strength bonus; 13 with bastard sword +2 and Strength bonus #AT lor 2; Dmg 2d4+3 (bastard sword +2, Str bonus) or td8+2 (long bow +1, sheaf arrows, Strength bonus ML fearless (20 AL LE; XP 650. str 17, Dex 11, Can 15, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 12. Ramor has a potion of eXira-healing in addition to the magical items listed above and a dagger +2 in a calf scabbard (he rarely uses this). He is 25 years old, 6' 3", of medium build, with flaming red hair and dark blue eyes. He has a thin scar running from the middle of his right ear to his mouth and a permanent sneer on his face. He wears a tacky platinum and gold medallion, worth 125 gp, around his neck and smells of fish. Ramor's boots of speed are only effective in loea· hons large enough for him to move considerable distances (such as areas 20 and 13). Along passageways and in smaller locations, he has to mo\'e more slowly because of the need to watch where he's going and thus does not receive the AC bonus.


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