
Night Below​ ​ Master priest of a of the order of bautu (Watchwarden) who seems to be selling slaves Strifeleader (priest of Cyric) who led an attack against the party in the Thornwood. ​   5th-level Priest: AC 1 (chnin mail +2, no shield, Dexterity bonus MY 12, ny 25 (wings offlying hp 39 (currently 43, due to aid speU THACO 18 (14 withflai/ +2, aid, and Strength bonus)i HAT 1; Omg Id6+4 (footman's flail +2, Strength bonus SA spells; SO spells, night; AL NE; XP 650. Str 17, De>: 16, Con 16, Lot 11, Wis 17, Cha 11. SpeUs: command, curse (x2), darklless, sallctuary; aid, dumt, hold perSall, resiM fire, spiritunllJammer; animate dead, dispel magiC. Ranchefus has a ring 0/ free action and potiolls a/flyil1g and palymorpll self, and he wears a singular magical amuJet which doubles the number of skeletons and zombies he can animate (this item only works for evil clerics; destroying it gains the PCs 500 XP).   Ranchefus's appearance is important. The man is 5' 9", dark-haired, with a swarthy complexion. His right eye is missing, and the socket is covered with a black leather eyepatch. Because he is hooded, and the light is poor, a PC will only see the eyepatch if he or she makes an Intelligence check at -2, with an additional-l modifier for every 10 feet away beyond the first 10 feet; the eyepalch cannot be seen further than 30 feet away. A /igM spel1 cast at the priest shows this feature clearly, however.       Ranchefus,5th·leve1 Priest of Cyric/NerulU Thanatos: AC I (dwill mail +2, no shield, Dexterity bonus MV 12, fly 25 (WIIIgs ofJlymg hp 39; THACO 18 (15 withjlail +2 and Strength bonus #AT 1; Dmg td6+4 (fiJotlllall'S flail +2, Strength bonus SA speUs; SD spells; SZ M (5'9"AL NE; XP 650. Sir 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 11, WlS 17, Cha 11. Spells: command, curse (x2), darkness, SlIndlU~ry; aid, duml, },old pmDlI, resist fire, Spirt/lUll hammer; animnte dcnd, dispel "'''gil.'. Ranchefus has a ring offree actiOIl and potions o.f flying and polymorph self, and he wears a magical amulet which doubles the number of skeletons and zombies he can animate (this item only works for evil clerics; destroying it gains the PCs 500 XP). For his appearance, see "'Lured Into Darkne!;s." Ranchefus will always use I,o/d person as his first offensive spell, casting it at any PC wizard he can sec. He anticipates, from low-level PCs, that such a wizard will cast magic missile against him, and he wants to take the wizard out first. He would also like to capture such a PC alive, of course. A PC priest with hold perSOIl holds no terrors for him, due to the protection of hi!'i rillg offree action. If his zombies are doing well, he spends one round casting aid on himself, then curse on the party, and possibly dlJrklltss. Then, delaying no longer, he eagerly enters the fray with his formidable nail. If a PC priest turns the Lombies, Ranchefus attempts to counter-command them back into battlc.


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