
Repdal, human Wizard (14th level): AC -1 (bracers of defell5e AC 3, r;1I8 of IITotedioll +3, Dexterity bonus MY 12; hp 48; THACO 16 (13 with staff of striking /tAT 1; Omg Id6+3, +6, or +9 (staff of strikillg with 22 charges SA spells; SO spells; SZ M (5'H''' ML champion (15 AL LE; XP 10,000. Str 9, Dex 15, Can 16, lnt 18, Wis 9, Cha 8. Spells: bumlllg hallds, comprehend lallg'tagl'S, magic missile, pltalltasmal force, protectioll from good; detect invisibility, hypnotic pottern, improt'i'd phantasmal force, mIrror image, stinkillg cloud; dispel magic, fly, /igllflllllg bolt, slow, water brro'"illg; confusion, fear, ice storm, Improved inVISibility; coile of cold,jeeblemind, /lold mOllster, s}lIldow door; globe of ;'lVu/ncrahi/ity, project image; prismatic spray. Repdal is just over 5' in height and has an unremarkable appearance, being mousy and dumpy-which she fee ls keenly, and is aggressive and cruel as a reaction. She has a brooch of s/Iieldillg with 44 hp defensive capacity remaining and a rillg of spell fUrl/illg, together with thl"l!e scrolls of spells scribed at 14th le\"el: (1) ESP, magic mi$silt, sllield, and wizard eye; (2) charm mOllster, hold monster, delll/shadoll' lIIag'c, and ttleport withollt uror; (3) StOlleskin (x6). Repdal does not wear any jewelry, nor carry any monetary treasure, outside her home.


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