Ring of Elemental Command

The four types of elemental command rings are very powerful. Each appears to be nothing more than an ordinary ring, but each has certain other powers as well as the following common properties:

1. Elementals of the plane to which the ring is attuned can't attack or even approach within 5 feet of the wearer. If the wearer desires, this protection may be abandoned. Instead, the wearer can attempt to charm the elemental (saving throw applicable with a -2 penalty to the die). If the charm fails, however, total protection is lost and no further attempts at charming can be made, but the secondary properties given below will then function with respect to the elemental.

2. Creatures, other than normal elementals, from the plane to which the ring is attuned attack with -1 penalties to their attack rolls. The ring wearer takes damage at -1 on each Hit Die and makes applicable saving throws from the creature's attacks at +2. All attacks are made by the wearer of the ring with a +4 bonus to the attack roll (or -4 on the elemental creature's saving throw), and the wearer inflicts +6 damage (total, not per die) adjusted by any other applicable bonuses and penalties. Any weapon used by the ring wearer can hit elementals or elemental creatures even if it is not magical.

3. The wearer of the ring is able to converse with the elementals or elemental creatures of the plane to which the ring is attuned. These creatures will recognize that he wears the ring, and they show a healthy respect for the wearer if alignments are similar. If alignment is opposed, creatures will fear the wearer if he is strong, hate and desire to slay him if the wearer is weak. Fear, hatred, and respect are determined by the DM.

4. The possessor of a ring of elemental command suffers a saving throw penalty as follows:

5. Only one of the powers of a ring of elemental command can be in use at any given time. In addition to the powers described above, the ring gives characters the following abilities:


The ring will appear to be a Ring of Feather Falling until the condition established by the DM is met.


The ring will appear to be a Ring of Invisibility until a certain condition is met (having the ring blessed, slaying an air elemental, or whatever the DM determines as necessary to activate its full potential).


The ring will appear to be a Ring of Fire Resistance until the condition established by the DM is met.


The ring will appear to be a ring of water walking until the condition established by the DM is met.

These rings operate at the 12th level, or the minimum level needed to perform the equivalent magical spell, if greater. The additional powers have an initiative modifier of+5.

Speed Factor
XP Value
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Base Price


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