Ring of Protection

​A ring of protection improves the wearer's Armor Class value and saving throws vs. all forms of attack. A ring +1 betters AC by 1 (say, from 10 to 9) and gives a bonus of +1 on saving throw die rolls. The magical properties of a ring of protection are cumulative with all other magical items of protections except as follows:

  • The ring does not improve Armor Class if magical armor is worn, but it does add to saving throws.
  • Multiple rings of protection operating on the same person, or in the same area, do not combine protection. Only one such ring - the strongest - functions, so a pair of protection rings +2 provides only +2 protection.

The radius bonus of 5 feet extends to all creatures within its circle, but applies only to their saving throws. (In other words, only the ring wearer gains Armor Class additions.)​

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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