Robe of the Archmagi

This garment looks quite normal. It can be white (45% - good alignment), gray (30% - neutral, but neither good nor evil in alignment), or black (25% - evil alignment). Its wearer gains the following powers:

  • It serves as armor equal to AC 5.
  • The robe confers a 5% magic resistance.
  • It adds a +1 bonus to saving throw scores.
  • The robe reduces the victim's magic resistance and saving throws by 20%/-4 when the wearer casts any of the following spells: charm monster, charm person, friends, hold monster, hold person, polymorph other, and suggestion.

The color of a robe of the archmagi is not determined until it is donned by a wizard. If a white robe is donned by an evil wizard, he or she suffers 11d4+7 points of damage and loses 17d3x1,000 experience points at the DM's discretion. The reverse is true with respect to a black robe donned by a good aligned wizard. An evil or good wizard putting on a gray robe, or a neutral wizard donning either a white or black robe, incurs 6d4 points damage, a 6d4x1,000 XP loss, and is moved toward the alignment of the robe (feels an urgent need to change alignment to that of the robe; trying to maintain the old one takes considerable effort).

Speed Factor
XP Value

Evil: 6,000

Good: 6,000

Neutral: 6,000

Base Price


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